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Rebranding, restyling

Rebranding and restyling of the brand are two different evolutionary stages of brand development. While the need for restyling is almost unavoidable for any steadily developing brand within five to ten years, rebranding is something you'd like to avoid due to the high costs and certain risks of losing brand awareness. However, if rebranding is inevitable, BrandExpert will always support your business and guide you through this process while making it as smooth as possible and taking advantage of all the opportunities and transformations you go through.

Projects rebranding, restyling


Brand restyling is a change in the system of brand visual identification, quality renovation, and updating of a visual image of the brand with the same name, same values, and ideology.

As a rule, the basic restyling targets are the following:

  1. Brand logo

  2. Corporate identity

  3. Packaging design

The need to restyle the brand may be caused by:

Need to change accordingly to natural evolutionary development, loss of visual image relevance with time;

Incompliance of the current visual image with the brand market segment, with its positioning and commercial targets of the project;

Complications of identification, memorability, difficulties in perception of brand visual identification elements;

Complicated identification due to indistinguishable from the competitors brand image;

Undesirable associations brought up by the brand logo.

Within brand restyling activities, the unique and probably well-know on the market brand name is kept.


Unlike restyling, rebranding includes brand renaming and usually has even more serious reasons behind it, like pivotal repositioning, reputation damage, market share loss, or M&A. 

Request Rebranding or Restyling Services

To refresh and update your brand, create a new packaging or communication strategy, please, leave a request on our website or contact our manager by +7 (495) 961-25-86

1. Contact information:

2. Select required sections:

Brand Naming
Brand positioning
Rebranding, restyling
Logo design
Brand Identity
Brand guideline
Catalog Design
Packaging design
Label design
Professional photo
Interior design
Retail branding
Web site development
Brand Strategy
Ads design
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