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BrandExpert team will lead you and your brand through all the key stages of brand creation.

  • Market research is an essential stage and a start point for any further work within branding.

  • Developing a positioning strategy — determination of positioning strategy sets a direction for the development of the future visual-communicative brand strategy, defines the key values of the brand for the end-users.

  • Creating a brand name and registering in Patent and Trademark Agency of Russia. A unique name and its legal protection create a comfortable environment for brand promotion in the long-term perspective.

  • Logo development is one of the key branding stages that determine the basis of the future strategy of brand visual communications.

  • Development of brand corporate identity as an integral stage of branding allows providing unity and the ultimate presence of the brand.

  • Packaging design is an essential stage of commercial branding which helps to create a brand image within a market, distinguish it from the competitors and spark sales.

  • Brand guideline development. A brand guideline is a unified document which combines branding work results. It includes theoretical brand aspects (philosophy, positioning) and practical recommendations on how to use its visual attributes.

  • Interior design is another branding stage which helps to create a unique brand environment, reflect its inner essence and key values as well as to bring end-users loyalty.

Projects branding

Дизайн логотипа косметики Grand Plier
Дизайн логотипа косметики Grand Plier
Создание бренда косметических средств Grand Plier

Request Branding Services

To develop an effective brand, please, leave a request on our website or contact our manager by +7 (495) 961-25-86

1. Contact information:

2. Select required sections:

Brand Naming
Brand positioning
Rebranding, restyling
Logo design
Brand Identity
Brand guideline
Catalog Design
Packaging design
Label design
Professional photo
Interior design
Retail branding
Web site development
Brand Strategy
Ads design
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