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Veda Pharmacy

VEDA is a leading Russian researcher in the field of veterinary phytotherapy, a developer and manufacturer of advanced veterinary products based on natural components for the health and beauty of animals. With over 20 top-choice brands in its arsenal, VEDA offers around 300 original products spanning 25 years of work. The brand is represented in more than 10 countries worldwide.

Создание логотипа компании VEDA
Создание логотипа компании VEDA

The BRANDEXPERT team faced the task of comprehensive rebranding, including brand platform, logo and corporate style, packaging design with product range expansion, as well as the brand's visual strategy in digital environments and marketplaces.

Разработка упаковки VEDA
Разработка упаковки VEDA
Дизайн продукции VEDA
Дизайн продукции VEDA
Разработка дизайна упаковки VEDA
Разработка дизайна упаковки VEDA
Брендбук компании VEDA
Брендбук компании VEDA

At the core of the concept lies the essence of the VEDA brand, symbolizing care for domestic animals. VEDA brings the joy of companionship with beloved pets, aiding owners in improving their quality of life and extending the active longevity of their animals.

Фотостиль бренда VEDA
Фотостиль бренда VEDA
Товарный брендинг компании VEDA
Товарный брендинг компании VEDA
Дизайн упаковки VEDA
Дизайн упаковки VEDA
Концепция бренда VEDA
Концепция бренда VEDA

The concise and dignified logo design conveys the company's key attribute: VEDA is a veterinary expert, the preferred brand for treating and caring for animals. The brand's primary colors are turquoise and silver. This combination conveys ideas of naturalness, ecological consciousness, effectiveness, safety, reliability, and care, while also reflecting the company's commitment to technological innovations. Additional brand colors are used for product differentiation across all categories.

Разработка товарного бренда VEDA
Разработка товарного бренда VEDA
Создание дизайна упаковки VEDA
Создание дизайна упаковки VEDA
Разработка дизайна бренда VEDA
Разработка дизайна бренда VEDA
Платформа бренда VEDA
Платформа бренда VEDA
Дизайн этикетки VEDA
Дизайн этикетки VEDA
Развитие бренда VEDA
Развитие бренда VEDA

The visual communication of any veterinary brand always includes images of animals. For the VEDA brand, a highly relevant photo style was chosen: friendly, exuding an aura of expert care and tender love for pets.

Фирменный стиль бренда VEDA
Фирменный стиль бренда VEDA
Создание бренда VEDA
Создание бренда VEDA
Ребрендинг компании VEDA
Ребрендинг компании VEDA

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to advise you

A strong and efficient brand is a key to your business success. Powerful brand will help your company or product to develop successfully and thrive even in a highly competitive market. The cost of brand development is calculated individually according to the work load required.

1. Contact information:

2. Select required sections:

Brand Naming
Brand positioning
Rebranding, restyling
Logo design
Brand Identity
Brand guideline
Catalog Design
Packaging design
Label design
Professional photo
Interior design
Retail branding
Web site development
Brand Strategy
Ads design
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