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  3. Vestalia


Vestalia is a brand of exceptional cookies that gives a fine delicate taste, joy and a great mood. Packaging design and identity of Vestalia cookies fully reflects the spirit of our time. It’s bright, rich, having nothing superfluous in it, and the customer’s attention is focused on the product itself.

Рестайлинг дизайна упаковки печенья Vestalia
Рестайлинг дизайна упаковки печенья Vestalia
Товарный брендинг печенья Vestalia
Товарный брендинг печенья Vestalia
Разработка логотипа печенья Vestalia
Разработка логотипа печенья Vestalia
Оформление этикетки печенья Vestalia
Оформление этикетки печенья Vestalia
Профессиональная фотосъемка BRANDEXPERT Остров Свободы
Профессиональная фотосъемка BRANDEXPERT Остров Свободы
Разработка фирменного стиля Vestalia
Разработка фирменного стиля Vestalia
Профессиональный ребрендинг печенья Vestalia
Профессиональный ребрендинг печенья Vestalia
Брендинг кондитерских изделий BRANDEXPERT
Брендинг кондитерских изделий BRANDEXPERT
Съемка продукции Мсоква
Съемка продукции Мсоква
Услуги фудстилиста BRANEXPERT
Услуги фудстилиста BRANEXPERT
Рестайлинг было стало
Рестайлинг было стало

Developing this brand, Brandexpert designers consciously abandoned the classic for cookies, obsolete images (for example, mills) and the traditional yellow color. The design of the Vestalia logo is beautiful in its brevity: stylish modern typography makes the brand perfectly visible on the shelf, and the scarlet heart clearly points to your favorite product. The basis of Vestalia's brand identity and packaging design is a bright and vivid color palette. Shades of Tiffany, natural green, sky blue and expressive purple color were used to differentiate products. The macro approach in photography focuses on the product itself, its impeccable quality and natural taste.

ImperiaCarpaccio by Miratorg

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to advise you

A strong and efficient brand is a key to your business success. Powerful brand will help your company or product to develop successfully and thrive even in a highly competitive market. The cost of brand development is calculated individually according to the work load required.

1. Contact information:

2. Select required sections:

Brand Naming
Brand positioning
Rebranding, restyling
Logo design
Brand Identity
Brand guideline
Catalog Design
Packaging design
Label design
Professional photo
Interior design
Retail branding
Web site development
Brand Strategy
Ads design
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