Полиграфия магазина Simple
Полиграфия магазина Simple
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The Simple group of companies is the largest Russian distributor of exclusive wine brands gathered one of the most impressive wine portfolios in Europe. Every year the company issues an exclusive art calendar for a limited audience of brand’s partners and customers.

Обложка фотокниги Simple
Обложка фотокниги Simple
История бренда Simple
История бренда Simple
Профессиональная фотосъемка Simple
Профессиональная фотосъемка Simple
Съемка для полиграфии
Съемка для полиграфии
Верстка печатных материалов Simple
Верстка печатных материалов Simple
Разделы фотокниги магазина Simple
Разделы фотокниги магазина Simple
Подарочная полиграфия бренда Simple
Подарочная полиграфия бренда Simple
Разработка полиграфии магазина Simple
Разработка полиграфии магазина Simple
Дизайн полиграфии магазина Simple
Дизайн полиграфии магазина Simple

Famous international photographers help to create this exclusive calendar. Shooting locations are usually the best wineries in the world, the leitmotifs are the enjoyment of taste, the union of the natural beauty of human and nature.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of the company, Simple released a special edition, Simple Wine + Art photobook to share the best stories, pictures, an unforgettable experience, and the most vivid impressions over the past 12 years.
Branding agency Brandexpert Freedom Island has designed a unique photobook conveying the whole palette of unforgettable emotions and unique tastes, all the beauty of nature embodied in the fertile vineyards of Italy, France, Spain, and other countries.

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International language schools iOR

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A strong and efficient brand is a key to your business success. Powerful brand will help your company or product to develop successfully and thrive even in a highly competitive market. The cost of brand development is calculated individually according to the work load required.

1. Contact information:

2. Select required sections:

Brand Naming
Brand positioning
Rebranding, restyling
Logo design
Brand Identity
Brand guideline
Catalog Design
Packaging design
Label design
Professional photo
Interior design
Retail branding
Web site development
Brand Strategy
Ads design
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