In four clusters of the project, all the essentials are collected for those who aspire to receive more from life, to feel the taste and color of each lived moment more vividly: vegetarian and raw Veg and Raw Cafe, Eco-market, Yoga and practice studio, space for training and master classes.

Corporate identity, logo design, and an additional brand identification system reflect the brand positioning in the segment of active projects for a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, spiritual development and growth. A single principle of color differentiation of individual projects helps to define each project: natural green for Veg and Raw Cafe, delicate lilac for Eco-Market, sky blue for Yoga and spiritual practices studio, turquoise for Creative space Multiform "Taste & Color". Additional original author's illustrations with ink help to discover brand’s ideology and philosophy. The thematic variety of illustrations in the corporate style also allows differentiating projects. So the images of plants, flowers, fruits are great for the Cafe and Ecomarket, while images of classical asanas of yoga, human body, planets and outer space are ideal for Yoga Studio, spiritual practices, and Multiform space respectively.